(317) 804-1203

What is Content Marketing and Why Does It Matter?

What is Content Marketing and Why Does It Matter? In the heyday of traditional marketing, attracting and retaining customers was an intimidating task for local business owners to accomplish, especially when the inflated budgets of larger businesses made it difficult...

Tips for Providing The Perfect Customer Experience

Tips for Providing The Perfect Customer Experience Amazing customer service may seem like a lot of extra work on a short-term basis, but it does improve your brand image and goodwill, which means a lot in the long run. No matter how big or small your Direct Primary...

What is Programmatic Advertising?

What is Programmatic Advertising? The advertising world is full of jargon, and new phrases are always popping up. One you may have heard in the past couple of years is “programmatic advertising.” So what is it, and why does it sound so technical? Take my hand and come...

3 Tips to Make Your Website Actually Useful

3 Tips to Make Your Website Actually Useful Gone are the days of a “form over function” internet. Where once the simple novelty of seeing a business online, in any fashion, was often enough. Now, today’s more savvy audiences simply want to get where they are going. So...

Facebook Advertising vs. Boosted Posts

Facebook Advertising vs. Boosted Posts On the surface boosting content on Facebook seems like a pretty straight forward transaction. The more dollars you spend, the more eyes see your message. While that’s certainly true, to get the most value out of your dollar it’s...